Flu Facts | Blog

Flu Facts

Flu Facts

The flu is a respiratory infection also known as influenza. It can last from several days to around two weeks. There are many symptoms of the flu, including fever, chills, fatigue and more. Vomiting and diarrhea is also common in children with the flu. Young children have a higher risk of contracting the flu because their immune system is not fully developed. Because we are in the middle of flu season at the moment, here are a few important flu facts.

·       Flu season spans from October to May. Though the flu is most common in the colder months, October through February, it can last until summertime. However, you and your children can have the flu outside of flu season.

·       The flu is mainly spread from coughs, sneezes, or even breathing. It is also possible, but ness common, for someone to get the flu from touching an object or surface that has the virus on it. Therefore, you must encourage your children to wash their hands frequently and to avoid touching their face.

·       Because young children are at higher risk of contracting the flu, it is important that you and your children receive flu vaccinations yearly. Yes, it is possible for your children to come down with the flu even after a flu shot, but flu shots will go a long way to protecting them.

·       While flu shots are very important to helping combat flu season, it is important to also take other precautions to avoid getting sick. Teach them the importance of washing their hands, like mentioned above, regularly while at home, school, and anywhere else. It is also not a good idea for them to share drinks and/or food with other children at school, especially if they are sick.

·       It is possible to spread the flu, even if your child does not have symptoms. Your child is contagious for quite a long while, and that even includes before your child experiences symptoms of the flu. That is why taking precautions is so important during flu season.

It is best to take your children to see their pediatrician if they are sick to be diagnosed and prescribed medicine if needed. Neo2Teen provides in-house labs testing for the flu and strep. 

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